Why Are My Gum Swollen and Bleeding?

updated on November 15, 2023


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  • It can be alarming when you notice your gums are swollen, red, and bleeding when you brush or floss. These symptoms should not be ignored, as they can signal the onset of gingivitis or more severe periodontitis. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums caused by a buildup of plaque bacteria on teeth due to poor oral hygiene. As plaque increases, bacteria infect the gums, leading to swelling, tenderness, and bleeding. Without treatment, gingivitis can advance to periodontitis, where plaque spreads deeper below the gumline and causes worsening inflammation and potential tooth loss.

    Gum swelling and bleeding is your mouth's way of signaling trouble. It most commonly occurs during puberty, pregnancy, stress, medication use, or chronic diseases like diabetes that reduce the body's ability to fight infection. Occasional spot bleeding may also arise from irritation or injury, such as overly forceful flossing. However, consistent swollen, tender, or bleeding gums should be evaluated by your dentist, as they likely indicate gingivitis. Proper oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings are key to treating and preventing further gum problems. Don't ignore irritated, bleeding gums - it is your mouth's call for help.

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